





年会:  指年度会友大会。
理事会 指本堂理事会。
章程  指本堂章程。
本堂:  指隶属加拿大宣道会的高贵林国语教会。
宪章:  指载于《加拿大宣道会手册》之《地方教会宪章》。





二.1. 理事会负责处理一切没有成文规定的会籍事宜。

二.2. 会友资格遵照宪章及章程之规定。

二.3. 本堂会籍分三类:
二.3.1. 有效会友:
a) 投票;
b) 领导本堂事工;
c) 除非本章程另有限制,否则可以担任本堂理事会成员。
二.3.2. 名誉会友:

二.3.3. 限权会友:
a) 被理事会视为已经不在本堂起到积极有效的作用,已经缺席本堂正常活动三个月以上,却没有表示要保留会籍的会友。或

b) 正在接受纪律处分之会友。
二.3.3.1 限权会友不可在会友大会中投票,或担任本堂理事会成员。

二.3.3.2 限权会友经过理事会的许可,可转回有效会友。

二.4. 要成为本堂之有效会友者,都必须经过正式申请与正式入会的程序。而且,申请者必须:
a) 理解并签署附有一切承诺要求的会友誓约。
b) 年满十八周岁。
c) 连续在本堂参加崇拜聚会三个月以上。
二.4.1. 申请者被理事会正式确认后,即成为本堂有效会友。

二.5. 会友将在以下情况下被终止会籍:
a) 已经通过邮寄、电邮或当面向理事会秘书递交书面退会信;
b) 已经去世;
c) 已经转会;
d) 已成为限权会友超过十二个月;
e) 已经因纪律处分被除名;
f) 因已不符合会友资格,或已经成为他堂会友,被理事会通过特别决议终止会籍。在此决议之前,当事人事先应有申辩的机会。


三.1. 年会应由理事会决定于每年三月举行,并于财政年度结束后三个月内举行。
三.1.1. 年会议程和书面报告最晚应于年会之前的一个星期天公布。
三.1.2. 年会上应呈报汇编、审阅或审计后的年度财务报告。
三.1.3 理事会应向会友推荐一名独立注册会计师,以汇编、审阅或审计本堂次年的财务报告。
三.1.4  会友应委任一名独立注册会计师,以汇编、审阅或审计本堂次年的财务报告。为清楚起见,汇编选项只有在满足第五章第5.7条列出的所有条件时才能使用。

三.2. 为特殊或紧急之事而召开之特别会友大会:
a) 理事会可按需要,经多数票通过后而召开。或
b) 经超过百分之三十的有效会友提出书面申请后,由理事会召开。该申请应包括简要的书面目的说明。

三.3. 会议通知应于会前至少十四天,但不早于六十天,通过口头、书面或电子媒介(电子邮件、教会网站、社交媒体)等方式传达给有效会友,说明会议的目的。

三.4. 正式召开之会友大会的法定人数,至少应为有效会友人数百分之五十一。
三.4.1. 大会若因法定人数不足而终止,可于大会终止后一至十天内重新召开。届时出席大会之有效会友人数即算法定人数。
三.4.2. 除了选举大会主席、休会或终止会议三事以外,会友大会不可在法定人数不足情况下进行任何议程。
三.4.3. 会友大会过程中若出现法定人数不足,议程必须暂停,直到恢复法定人数、或休会、或终止会议。

三.5. 每个有效会友都拥有一票表决权,但不得委托他人代为投票。
三.5.1. 主席除了自己作为会友所拥有的一票之外,不可投第二次票,改变投票的结果。

三.6. 理事会可批准或提供以电子媒介参与年会或特别会友大会。大会的通知应包含参与大会的指示。这类的大会应确保会友有以下的能力:
• 确认达到法定人数的能力。
• 参与讨论、并被其他与会者听到的能力。
• 投票的能力。


四.1. 理事会应该包括主任牧师和三至八名选举出来的理事。理事的数目应由理事会逐年决定。理事会成员(包括主任牧师在内)的数目必须是奇数。
四.1.1. 理事会成员每年都必须签署一份声明,表明自己并非是加拿大所得税法定义的不合格者。
四.1.2. 除非另有限制,凡有效会友都有资格参与理事会事奉。
四.1.3. 当理事会成员除了主任牧师之外少于三人时,理事会就必须委任一位有效会友来替补,直至下次年会为止。
四.1.4 理事会成员必须在每次会议开始时,就任何议程事项声明任何潜在的利益冲突。

四.2. 理事每任两年,但如果需要,也可偶然接受一年的任期。
四.2.1. 理事最多可连任三期,之后必须停任一年,才可重新参选。理事连任的时间不可超过六年。

四.3. 理事任期始于年会宣布当选之时。

四.4. 理事会至少必须每季度开会一次。会议可在理事认为合适的地点举行,出席会议可包括电子方式。

四.5. 理事会会议的法定人数应为理事会成员的半数以上。

四.6. 理事会会议中的动议,并不需要附议。会议主席可提议表决决议。
四.6.1. 主席除了自己作为理事会成员之一的一票外,不可投第二次票,改变投票的结果。

四.7. 在半数以上的理事会成员同意下,理事会可在没有召开会议的情况下,以书面或电子方式通过决议、并记在会议记录里面。

四.8. 理事会必须从其成员中选出担任本堂公职者:副主席、秘书、财政。秘书和财政职务可由同一人担任,在这种情况下,该公职名称为秘书兼财政。
四.8.1. 理事会主席应由主任牧师或其指定之理事会成员担任。
四.8.2. 主任牧师若不担任理事会主席,也仍算担任本堂公职者之一。
四.9. 在理事会批准下,任何两名担任公职者都可以代表本堂签署文件。

四.10. 理事会可在其认为必要的时候,将其部分权力授予一个由一位或多位理事参与的委员会。
四.10.1. 该委员会获得授权后,必须遵从理事会所定的规则,并于行使权力后向接下来最早召开的理事会会议提交详细报告。

四.11. 理事会是本堂各项政策之制定者及最终解释者。

四.12. 除非有章程或更高级别的法规规定,否则理事会必须决定是否需要使用特别决议。

四.13. 理事会必须每年度检讨主任牧师的事工和薪酬。
四.13.1. 作为制定年度预算过程的一部分,理事会必须检讨受聘员工的薪金与福利。

四.14. 理事会成员、担任本堂公职者、或其他已经或即将代表教会承担责任者,以及这些人的继承人、遗嘱执行人、信托管理人,动产及不动产,都必须分别随时能及始终能从本堂资金里或适用的保险获得补偿,以免遭受以下损失:
a) 理事会成员、担任本堂公职者或其他人士,若因任何与履行其职责或承担此类责任有关的行为、契约、事件,或任何他们所造成、完成或批准的事,而引发了针对他们的诉讼,为此所承担或招致的任何成本、收费、开支;
b) 除了故意忽视或违约之外,任何因此事而承担或招致的成本、收费、开支。

四.15. 理事会成员可能在下列情况下被理事会通过特别决议除名:
a) 无充分理由连续缺席三次会议;
b) 在国家所得税条例下成为不合格者;
c) 没有尽到宪章所规定的职责。
d) 成为限权会友
四.15.1. 若理事会成员因章程第四章第15条被除名,理事会可通过普通决议选出或委任一位有效会友填补其空缺,直到下次年会。

四.16. 应理事会邀请,非理事会成员可列席某次理事会会议之全部或部分议程。

四.17. 除非章程则另有规定,最新版的《罗伯特议事规则(Robert’s Rules of Order)》是理事会会议最权威的议事规则根据。


五.1. 财政和理事会所委任的人,都是本堂银行账户的签署者。
五.1.1. 财政必须是教会所有账户的签署者之一。

五.2. 未经区会执行委员会批准,本堂除每项不超过$30,000的教会信用卡和资本租赁之外,不得举债。

五.3. 本堂只能将其资金投资于审慎的投资者可能会投资的项目。

五.4. 凡超出财务预算百分之十的资本支出提案,都必须在正式召开的会友大会中通过特别决议批准。

五.5. 在会友通过特别决议批准,并经区会的批准,理事会可指示购买、处置、装修或抵押任何不动产。

五.6. 本堂财务年度为1月1日至12月31日。

五.7. 在本堂年收入不超过$250,000的年份,会友可以通过特别决议,选择由独立的注册会计师汇编当年的财务报告。汇编的财务报告必须按照非营利组织会计准则编制。该决议在年收入超过$250,000、或被会友特别决议撤销之前一直有效。


五.8. 理事会应设立一个财务报告审查委员会,以监督财务报告的流程。
五.8.1. 委员会成员之间不可有任何影响各人的独立判断力的关联关系。

五.9. 财务报告审查委员会必须:
a) 由理事会委任,向理事会报告;
b) 至少包括三名理事会成员 (除非不切实际),而且理事会成员必须占多数;
c) 至少每年开会一次;
d) 审查年度财务报表及调查结果函;
e) 若必要,可与负责年度财务报告的独立注册会计师进行私下的会谈;
f) 于财务年度结束后的第一次年会之前,向理事会报告其发现和建议;
g) 审核其他由理事会所指派的事项,包括但不限于:较大的项目和采购、财务政策、以及保险的妥当性。


六.1. 理事会必须确保教会及所有事工都具备有效的组织架构。

六.2. 理事会必须确保有关确认、指派及解除教会各事工负责人的政策和程序都已被制定。

六.3. 各事工负责人或委员会都必须根据列明职责与要求之事工说明书开展工作。任何委任该事工负责人或委员会之小组或个人,都必须负责确保事工说明书清楚到位。


七.1. 提名委员会必须包括主任牧师、至少两名由理事会指派的理事会成员、以及相同数目于年会或其他正式召开之会友大会中所选出来非理事会成员的有效会友。
七.1.1. 提名委员会任期至下一次年会为止。
七.1.2. 提名委员会任期内若出现空缺,理事会必须指派替补者。

七.2. 理事会每年都必须通知提名委员会以下各事:
七.2.1. 下一届理事会成员的人数,以确保领导层的延续性;
七.2.2. 提名委员会中非理事会成员的有效会友人数;
七.2.3 章程或理事会所设其他任何职位与候选人之数目。

七.3. 提名委员会应按章程或理事会之要求,为每个职位所需要的候选人征集提名,并向会友报告。
七.3.1.  若提名委员会有意提名他们当中之一员,则该委员必须在委员会讨论有关决定时退席。

七.4. 提名委员会必须制定审核被提名者的程序。

七.5. 提名委员会必须在所定年会之前至少二十一天以书面或电子媒介公布包括每个候选人简历之报告。

七.6. 任何三位有效之会友都有权在年会之前十四天,使用本堂批准的提名表,向主任牧师书面提交额外提名,并向会友公布。
七.6.1. 提名表在递交主任牧师之前,被提名者必须同意被提名。

七.7. 这类提名不必经过提名委员会审查,即可列入选票参选。


八.1. 未经理事会批准,不可为本堂之外的机构募款。

八.2. 有效会友有权查询除了理事会会议记录和其他人的奉献记录之外的任何本堂档案。

八.3. 如果本堂解散、或不再受《加拿大宣道会手册》、其中包括《加拿大宣道会信仰宣言》的约束,本堂在脱离宣道会前所有的不动产、附属物和相关财产将归加拿大宣道会-加拿大太平洋区所有。

八.4. 本章程以中英文书写,中英文间若有不一致之处,应以英文版为准。


九.1. 章程之修订可由理事会提议,并提交区监督,由区会执行委员会批准。

九.2. 章程之修订,必须由区会执行委员会批准后,在为此正式召开的会友大会上经出席的有效会友通过特别决议采纳,才正式生效。



Coquitlam Mandarin Church Bylaws

(Approved by DEXCOM on Jan 12, 2023)


The Local Church Constitution, and the Manual of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada , and this bylaws, constitute the governing documents of the church.


In these bylaws, unless the context otherwise requires:

“Annual General Meeting”  means the Annual Meeting of the Members.
“Board” means the Board of Elders of the church.
“bylaws” means the bylaws of the church.
“church” means Coquitlam Mandarin Church of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada.
“Constitution” means the Local Church Constitution contained in the Manual of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada.
“ordinary resolution” means a resolution that requires a simple majority of the votes cast at a general meeting by the members eligible to vote or at a meeting of the Board.
“Special Meeting”  is a meeting other than the Annual general Meeting which special or urgent business may be conducted.
“special resolution” means a resolution that requires a two-thirds majority by the votes cast at a general meeting by the members eligible to vote or at a meeting of the Board. It is required to make fundamental changes to the organization and governance of the church and decisions about major issues.

Part I – Mission, Vision, and Core Values

1.1 The Board will ensure that a current statement of mission, vision, and values exists for the church and is communicated appropriately.

Part II – Membership

2.1 In the absence of any other structure they approve, the Board is responsible for all matters related to membership.

2.2 Qualifications for membership are as stipulated in the Constitution and these bylaws.

2.3 There are three categories of membership:

2.3.1 Active Member

An Active Member is a member in good standing who has been officially confirmed as having met the requirements for membership outlined in the Constitution and these bylaws, and who regularly attends and actively supports the church in ways outlined in the membership covenant.

Active Members are eligible:

a) to vote;
b) to give primary leadership to church ministries; and
c) unless otherwise restricted in these bylaws, to be elected to the Board.

2.3.2. Associate Member

An Associate Member is a former Active Member who has been absent from the normal activities of the church for a period of three (3) months, and/or who is non-resident, and/or for reasons acceptable to the Board, desires to retain membership in the church.

Associate Members may not vote at meetings of members, nor be member of the Board in the church.

An Associate Member may be returned to Active Member status at the discretion of the Board.

2.3.3. Member not in Good Standing

All members are in good standing except:

a) a member who, in the opinion of the Board, has failed to remain active in the church, meaning that the member has been absent from the normal activities of the church for a period of six (6) months or more and has not communicated an interest in remaining a member of the church; or
b) a member who is under discipline. A Member not in Good Standing may not vote at meetings of the members, nor be member of the Board in the church. A Member not in Good Standing may be returned to Active Member status at the discretion of the Board.

2.4. To become an Active Member of the church, an individual must participate in the church’s application and orientation process. In addition:

a) applicants for membership are expected to sign a membership covenant that identifies the commitments being made;
b) have attained the age of eighteen (18) years old;
c) have regularly attended the church’s worship for more than three (3) months.
d) an applicant for membership becomes a member when officially confirmed by the Board.

2.5. A person ceases to be a member of the church:

a) by delivering their resignation in writing to the secretary of the Board by mail, email, or personal delivery to the address of the Board;
b) upon death;
c) by transfer to another church;
d) upon having not been a member in good standing for twelve (12) consecutive months;
e) upon being expelled as a result of any disciplinary process;
f) by the Board passing a special resolution which terminates membership upon the person failing to maintain the qualifications for membership or having accepted membership in another church. The person who is the subject of the special resolution for expulsion must be given an opportunity to be heard by the Board before the special resolution is put to a vote.

Part III – Government

3.1. The Annual General Meeting of the Members must be held within three (3) months of the end of the fiscal year on a date set by the Board.

3.1.1. The proposed agenda and written reports for the Annual General Meeting must be available on or before the Sunday prior to the Annual General Meeting.

3.1.2 The compiled or reviewed or audited annual financial statements must be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the members.

3.1.3 The Board must recommend an independent Chartered Professional Accountant to the members to compile or review or audit the church’s financial statements for the upcoming year.

3.1.4. The members must appoint an independent Chartered Professional Accountant to compile or review or audit the church’s financial statements for the upcoming year. For clarity, the compilation engagement option can only be used if it satisfies all the conditions as listed in Part V item 5.7.

3.2. Special meetings of members to consider special or urgent business:

a) may be called by the Board by majority vote when they see fit; or
b) must be called by the Board upon a written request by at least 30% of the Active Members in good standing. Such request shall include a brief written statement of purpose.

3.3. Notice of Meeting must be given to Members by verbal and/or print media and/or electronic media (e-mail, church web site, social media apps, etc.) at least fourteen (14) days and not more than sixty (60) days prior to any meeting of members. Such notice must indicate the purpose of the meeting.

3.4. The quorum for a duly-called meeting of the members is fifty-one (51) percent of the Active Members.

3.4.1. If a meeting is terminated for lack of a quorum, the Active Members present at a meeting called for no earlier than one (1) day or later than ten (10) days following the terminated meeting, constitute a quorum.

3.4.2. Business other than the election of a Chair of the meeting and the adjournment or termination of the meeting must not be conducted at a general meeting at a time when a quorum is not present.

3.4.3. If at any time during a general meeting there ceases to be a quorum present, business in progress must be suspended until there is a quorum present or until the meeting is adjourned or terminated.

3.5. Each Active Member is entitled to one vote and voting by proxy is not allowed.

3.5.1. The Chair must not cast a second vote in addition to the vote to which they may be entitled to as a member, and thus change the outcome of a vote.

3.6 The Board of Elders may approve and provide for electronic participation in an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting of the church’s members. 

Notice of the meeting shall provide instructions for attendance and/or participation in the meeting. Such meetings shall ensure that members have the following capabilities: 

  • The ability to determine if a quorum is present.
  • The ability to enter into discussion and be heard by those in attendance.
  • The ability to vote.

3.7. The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order is the definitive resource on procedures at meetings of the members unless another procedure is otherwise provided by these bylaws.

Part IV – Board of Elders

4.1. The Board must consist of the Lead Pastor, and at least three (3) and up to a maximum of eight (8) elected members. The number of elders must be set annually by the Board. The number of Board members must be an odd number (including the Lead Pastor).

4.1.1. Board members must annually sign a declaration of not being ineligible as defined by the Canada Income Tax Act.

4.1.2. Unless otherwise restricted, all Active Members are eligible to serve on the Board.

4.1.3. If the number of elders falls below three (3) plus the Lead Pastor, the Board must appoint an eligible Active Member to serve until the next Annual General Meeting.

4.1.4 Board members must declare any potential conflict of interest regarding any agenda item at the beginning of each meeting.

4.2. The length of term will be two (2) years; however, an occasional term of one (1) year is acceptable.

4.2.1. A Board member may serve a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms and shall not be eligible for election for a period of one year. The total length of consecutive service must be no longer than six (6) years without a break.

4.3. The term of office begins at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting at which the member is elected.

4.4. The Board must meet at least once per quarter. Meetings may be held at places the Board sees fit and attendance may include electronic means.

4.5. The quorum for meetings of the Board is a majority of the serving members.

4.6. A motion proposed at a Board meeting need not be seconded and the Chair of a meeting may move or propose a resolution.

4.6.1. The Chair must not cast a second vote in addition to the vote to which they may be entitled to as a member, and thus change the outcome of a vote.

4.7 The Board may pass a resolution without a meeting if a majority of the Board consents to the resolution in writing or by electronic means and it is recorded in the minutes.

4.8. The Board must elect the officers of the church – the Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer from among its members. The positions of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by one person, in which case the position must be identified as Secretary/Treasurer.

4.8.1. The Lead Pastor or a member of the Board appointed by him must be the Chair of the Board.

4.8.2. If the Lead Pastor is not the Chair of the Board, he retains the position of an officer of the church.

4.9. Any two officers may sign documents on behalf of the church with the approval of the Board.

4.10. The Board may delegate any, but not all, of their powers to committees consisting of one or more Board members as they see fit.

4.10.1. A committee so formed in the exercise of powers so delegated must conform to any rules imposed on it by the Board, and must report every act done in exercise of those powers to the earliest meeting of the Board after the act has been done.

4.11. The Board must set and be the final interpreter of church policies.

4.12. Unless stipulated in higher precedence legislation or these bylaws, the Board must determine the requirement for a special resolution.

4.13. The Board must annually review the Lead Pastor’s ministry and remuneration.

4.13.1. As part of the annual budget process, the Board must review staff salaries and benefits.

4.14. Every member of the Board and officer of the church or other person who has taken or is about to undertake any liability on behalf of the church and their heirs, executors, and administrators, and estate and effects, respectively, must from time to time and at all times, be indemnified and saved harmless, out of the funds of the church or applicable insurance from and against:

a) all costs, charges, and expenses whatsoever which the Board member, an officer, or other person sustains or incurs in or about any action, suit, or proceeding which is brought, commenced, or prosecuted against them in respect of any act, deed, matter, or thing whatsoever made, done, or permitted by them in or about the execution of the duties of their office or in respect of any such liability;
b) all other costs, charges, or expenses which are sustained or incurred in or about in relation to the affair thereof, except the costs, charges, or expenses occasioned by willful neglect or default.

4.15. A Board member may be removed from office by special resolution of the Board if the member:

a) is absent for three (3) consecutive meetings without sufficient reason;
b) becomes ineligible under the Income Tax Act;
c) fails in their responsibilities as stipulated in the Constitution;
d) becomes a Member not in good standing

4.15.1. If a Board member is removed from office under Part IV, 4.15, an Active Member may be appointed, by ordinary resolution of the Board, to serve as a member until the next Annual General Meeting.

4.16. Persons who are not Board members may be present at a Board meeting or portion thereof at the invitation of the Board.

4.17. The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order is the definitive resource on procedures at meetings of the Board unless another procedure is otherwise provided by these bylaws.

Part V – Finances

5.1. The Treasurer and those appointed by the Board are the signing officers for the church bank accounts.

5.1.1. The Treasurer must be one of the signing officers of all church-related accounts.

5.2. The church shall not incur debt, with the exception of church credit card debt and capital leases not exceeding $30,000 per item, without the approval of the District Executive Committee.

5.3 The church may invest its funds only in an investment in which a prudent investor might invest.

5.4. Any non-budgeted proposed capital expenditure exceeding 10% of the annual budget must be approved by special resolution at a duly called meeting of the members.

5.5 Real property may be acquired, disposed of, improved, or encumbered by order of the Board, subject to the approval of the members by special resolution and to approval by the District Executive Committee.

5.6. The fiscal year of the church is from January 1st to December 31st.

5.7 In a year that the church’s annual revenues do not exceed $250,000, by special resolution the members may choose to have that year’s financial statements compiled by an Independent Chartered Professional Accountant. The compiled financial statements must be prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit Organizations. To remain in effect until such time as annual revenue exceeds $250,000 or is revoked by a special resolution of the members.

If any time the church’s annual revenue exceeds $250,000 or the member’s special resolution is revoked, the financial statements must be audited or reviewed by an Independent Chartered Professional Accountant. The audited or reviewed financial statements must be prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit Organizations.

5.8 The Board must establish a Financial Statement Review Committee to provide oversight of the financial reporting process.

5.8.1 Committee members must be at arms-length from each other – free of any relationship that could interfere with their independent judgment.

5.9. The Financial Statement Review Committee must:

a) be appointed by the Board and report to the Board;
b) consist of a minimum of three (3) Board Members (unless impractical), with the majority of Committee members being Board members;
c) meet at least annually;
d) review the annual financial statements and the findings letter;
e) if necessary, meet in camera with the independent Chartered Professional Accountant who reported on the annual financial statements;
f) report its findings and recommendations to the Board prior to the first Annual General Meeting following the end of the fiscal year;
g) review other matters assigned by the Board such as, but not limited to, larger projects and purchases, financial policies, and adequacy of insurance.

Part VI – Church Ministries

6.1. The Board must ensure that there is an effective organizational structure for the church and its ministries.

6.2. The Board must ensure that policies and procedures are established for the affirmation, appointment and potential removal of leaders in all church ministries.

6.3. Each ministry leader or committee must function with a ministry description that describes both responsibilities and accountability. The group or individual that appoints the person or committee must be responsible to ensure the ministry description is in place.

Part VII – Elections

7.1. The Nominating Committee must consist of the Lead Pastor, a minimum of two (2) board members appointed by the Board, and an equal number of Active Members, who are non-Board members, elected at the Annual General Meeting or another duly called meeting of the members.

7.1.1. The Nominating Committee will serve until the next Annual General Meeting.

7.1.2. The Board must appoint replacements for any vacancy that should occur in the Nominating Committee membership during the term of office.

7.2. The Board must annually inform the Nominating Committee of:

a) the number of Board members desired for the next term, ensuring a continuity of leadership;
b) the number of eligible members who are not Board members to be elected to the Nominating Committee; and
c) the positions and number of candidates for any other office that are established by the bylaws or the Board.

7.3. The Nominating Committee will place in nomination, and report to the members, the nominees required for each position as specified by the bylaws or the Board.

7.3.1. If the Nominating Committee wishes to consider one of its members for nomination, that person must withdraw from the Nominating Committee meeting while the decision is being made regarding the nomination.

7.4. The Nominating Committee must establish its process for considering potential nominees.

7.5. The Nominating Committee must post its report via print and/or electronic media at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date set for the Annual General Meeting. Such report must include biographical information of each candidate.

7.6. Additional nominations may be made by any three (3) Active Members by submitting the name in writing on the approved Nomination Form to the Lead Pastor for posting at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

7.6.1. The proposed nominee must consent to being nominated before the Nominating Form is submitted to the Lead Pastor.

7.7. Such nomination must be included on the ballot without being vetted by the Nominating Committee.

Part VIII – General

8.1. No offering for outside agencies will be solicited without the approval of the Board.

8.2. Members may inspect the records of the church with the exception of the proceedings (minutes) of the Board and individual donor records other than the member’s own.

8.3. Should the church cease to exist or cease to be subject to The Manual, which includes the Statement of Faith of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada, all of its real property, appurtenances, and effects associated with the member church prior to its withdrawal shall inure to the benefit of and remain the property of The Christian and Missionary Alliance – Canadian Pacific District. 

8.4. The Bylaws are written in both Chinese and English, and in case of discrepancy between the two versions, the English version shall prevail.

Part IX – Amendments

9.1. Bylaw amendments may be proposed by the Board and submitted to the District Superintendent for approval by the District Executive Committee.

9.2. Amendments will be valid only after being approved by the District Executive Committee and adopted by special resolution of the Active Members present at a duly called meeting for such purpose.

Amendment Record

Adopted: May 28th, 2017, Organizational Meeting
Amended: Mar 18th, 2018, AGM
Amended: Mar 28th, 2021, AGM
Amended: Mar 26th, 2023, AGM